Would you like to learn a bit of history about your local area? Or do your bit for the environment by taking part in a workday? If the answer is yes then look no further for your inspiration than the new Environmental Diary published by Croydon Council.

The free leaflet published quarterly lists a variety of events on offer over coming months. Events in November include a talk by the Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society, Walking on Eggshells (Dinosaurs in Dorset) on Monday 12. Or why not try a Morning Stock Check to view the grazing animals around Riddlesdown on Sunday 18.

December offers the opportunity to go on a 10 mile ramble around Tonbridge on Sunday 9, listen to an illustrated talk on the botanical Beauties of Africa's West Coast on Monday 11 or go on an Early Morning Walk around Kenley Common on Sunday December 16.

If you fancy getting your hands dirty there are plenty of opportunities to take part in a workday. On Sunday 4 and 18 November and 16 December volunteers are being sought to join in a Nature Conservation Workday at the Heathfield House orchard. You will need to wear old clothes and sensible shoes and bring work gloves. A vegetarian lunch will be provided. Other workdays include pathway widening at Foxley Wood and at eight acre common in Coulsdon.

The diary indicates which events are suitable for people with disabilities, children or dogs. Copies are available from local libraries and other council outlets including the One-Stop reception at Taberner House in central Croydon. The leaflet also contains a form for submitting events for inclusion in the next diary due out in January.