The Snow Ball is expected to break the £200,000 barrier this year for funds raised during its five-year history.

The ball is run in association with The Argus Appeal and is one of the largest charity events in Britain.

This year's ball will be held at the Brighton Hilton Metropole on Saturday, March 17 to help raise money for new community minibuses.

The Argus Appeal co-ordinator Elsa Gillio helped launch the event with Metropole general manager Anne Busfield, organiser Bob Hoad, the Metropole's head chef Greg Starks and the hotel's director of operations Rory O'Leary.

Tickets for the ball and table bookings can be made by calling Nicky Willard on 01273 715133.

Community organisations which want to apply for a new bus through The Argus Appeal should call Elsa Gillio on 01273 544465.

For more information about The Argus Appeal go to argusappeal.