District Horticultural Society ON Wednesday, Brenda Eyres will be present to give her floral art demonstration and explaining what the judge is looking for. The meeting is in the Reading Room in the Dedham Assembly Hall starting at 7.30pm. Admission for non-members is £1.

Dedham Footpath Group THE first walk of the new season was on Sunday, February 18. Led by the group's chairman John Osborn, 22 members were reminded of some of the less familiar footpaths that exist in the village. A five-mile amble with pleasant unseasonably warm weather was followed by refreshments at the home of the walk leader.

The next outing will be on Sunday, March 11 when we will gather at 10.30am at the Lion Inn in Lamarsh for a circular walk of five miles to be led by Paul Gallifant.

Dedham Conservatives BERNARD Jenkin MP is coming to Rookery Farm, Coles Oak Lane, Dedham at the kind invitation of Martin and Carol Banbury from 12.30pm to 3pm on Sunday, March 11. Tickets £10 including wine and canapes. Further information from Kevin Taylor on 01206 322122.

Choral Concert THE Redgrave Singers and Orchestra are presenting a choral concert at 7.30pm on Saturday, March 17 in Dedham Parish Church. Julie Roberts soprano, Jennifer Hewes alto and Gavin Horsley bass will perform Haydn St Nicholas Mass, Verdi and Handel arias, Peter Creswell Easter Cantata (extracts) and Jennifer Hews Easter Meditation. Tickets are available from the Old Post Office and parish office and on the door cost £8.

Age Concern THERE is now a new telephone number 01206 368420 at Globe House, 6 George Street, Colchester CO1 1TP. HotCans (self heating meals) are available, three cans for £5 also Sleep safe carbon monoxide detectors £1.25.

Ardleigh Surgery CATHERINE Arter, practice nurse has now left the practice to take up a full-time nursing post in Ipswich, nearer to her home, and will be replaced as early as possible. Kate Strowbridge, nurse practitioner has successfully obtained an MSc degree from Essex University, after two further years of study.

Dedham Arts Group TIM Rocke has arranged the next painting session at Littlegarth Studio on Tuesday, the subject Still Life using charcoal.

Parish Council PCSO: In view of queries raised following newspaper reports of a slashing of police match' funding, Cllr Osborne contacted Insp. Mayes of Essex Police. He has responded that match funding is secure and that "he was under instruction to continue to attract match funding for PCSOs."

Bus Stops: Beestons have been contacted and they have confirmed that it is still their policy in rural areas to stop if hailed provided that it is safe to do so and that passengers are allowed to board whilst the bus is stationery at the junction of Long Road West and Ardleigh Road.

Monks Lane: Cllr Cort and Judith Fowles have visited Monks Lane and agreed that this lane should be included in the Village Design Statement. Mrs Fowles will investigate the history of Monks Lane and ways of including it in the Design Statement.

Abbott's Sign: The planning investigation officer has looked at the Abbott's sign and stated that it does not need consent.

Planning: Colchester Borough Council have refused the following applications: 34 Dedham Meade, Dedham - complete first floor extension to bungalow; land in garden of Berryfields, Coggeshall Road, Dedham - construction of dwelling.

Toilets Mill Lane: Cllr Osborne is meeting with CBC in the Mill Lane car park to discuss the provision of temporary toilets.

St Mary's Church SERVICES for Sunday, 8.30am Holy Communion (BCP), 10.30am Family Service, 6.30pm Evening Service (BCP).

Dedham Heath Methodist Church SERVICES for Sunday, 10.45am the Rev Katie Jackson (Communion), 3pm Mrs Sheila Rowland.