Morrisons is opening an academy for craft skills at its Wood Green branch to teach apprentices the traditional skills of butchery, baking and fishmongering.

Miomir Aleksic, 20, who has just begun a year-long bakery apprenticeship at the craft skills academy, will be the first to start the scheme.

He will shadow the bakery team under manager Sam Singh, who has been a baker for ten years and also trained through a Morrisons apprenticeship scheme.

Mr Aleksic said: “I think that learning on the job from someone who really knows what they’re doing is the best experience you can get.

“It’s good to know that the craft skills academy will encourage other people to learn a proper trade and keep the traditions going.”

The apprentice will also study at college during his placement and gain a proficiency qualification at the end of his year.

The new academy is part of a £2 million investment in the Wood Green store, which has been renovated and created twelve new jobs at the checkouts, café and delicatessen.

Twenty three staff were also trained in food and wine matching so they can recommend good combinations to customers.