SOMETIMES I think to myself where have all the workers gone?'

I suppose by workers I mean those who actually produce something, as oppose to those who fill in forms.

We have so many departments, so many tiers, quangos, and government officials, we seem to have become a country of non-producers.

I know we shouldn't look back but I fondly remember busy factories and engineering works and full buses on the boulevard.

How we seem to have a nation of folk working in the service industry, with rules and conditions governing and interfering in our every move, our every decision, even in what we say and what we talk about.

We are all fearful of doing the wrong thing, of saying things even if we believe them to be true, why?

Who has put us in this position? Is it ourselves to blame or is it the self-serving power-mad politicians, who seem to want to enter into and have dominance over every aspect of our lives?

Did you know that there are now over 200 regulations that allow officials to enter our homes?

I am going to have to stop before I spontaneously combust!