DUE to the Village Hall being used for election purposes, our May meeting was held at the home of our secretary, Aurdrey Walton. Due to our leader Jenny Edwards being ill, the meeting was also led by Audrey.

Following prayers and a bible reading, Audrey opened the meeting and gave a number of apologies received from members due to holidays and illness.

Included in the notices was the Diocesan Festival, this year to be held at Malvern Priory on Tuesday 5th June at 7:30pm Wendy Pettis will be going and if any member wishes to go to the festival, will they please speak to Wendy or Jenny.

On completing the notices, Audrey introduced our speaker Angela Clarke whose subject was 'Gossip the Gospel''. Angela touched briefly on how words have changed from their original meanings, telling us that 'gossip originally mean 'sponsorship at baptism''- a bit different from today's meaning!!

Angela pointed out that being in the M.U. gave us opportunities to chat to people about the several projects we are involved in, i.e. prisons and hospitals. This in turn makes openings in conversations to talk about our faith, hence 'gossip the gospel''. On behalf of members Jan Woolley gave a vote of thanks to Angela and presented her with a plant.

Our thanks are also due to Audrey for inviting us into her home for out meeting. Thank you Aurdrey.

We shall be in the Village Hall for our next meeting on the 7th June, when the speaker will be former Diocesan President, Joyce Bush.

The coffee morning on the 10th May was a great success, in spite of blustery weather a large number of people supported us and we raised in excess of £300.00 for M.U. funds and projects.

Thank you and well done everyone!