It's not just humans who have been sweltering in the heat over the past few days.

Animals, especially dogs, can also suffer from the effect of the heat with potentially lethal risks.

A dog's sweat glands are confined to their nose and the pads of their feet, which means that they feel the hot weather much more than us.

The only way that dogs can regulate their body temperature is to pant, and if that doesn't work your pet can suffer possibly fatal damage to their brain, vital organs or nervous system.

Heatstroke takes effect very quickly, and requires immediate recognition and prompt treatment.

Vets generally say be wary of taking most dogs out in temperatures of over 31C and make sure they are not left in a garden or hot room.

Obese, elderly, sick and dogs with breathing issues are most at risk and a lack of drinking water, obesity, and overexertion can exacerbate the problem.

Dogs can take 60 days to get used to a large rise or fall in temperatures, so the sudden mini-heatwave will be a problem for them.

But how do you know when your pet is in danger of overheating because of a dangerous rise in body temperature?

The signs to look out for

  • Heavy panting or rapid breathing
  • Lethargic, drowsy or uncoordinated
  • Excessive drooling
  • Glazed eyes
  • Weakness or seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Seizures or collapse

How to avoid it

  • Never leave the pet in a parked car, even for a few minutes, and break the window if you see an animal trapped in a vehicle who is clearly in trouble.
  • Walk your dog before the sun comes up in the morning or after sunset and if they are outside in the day make sure they have access to complete shade.
  • Avoid long car journeys Stay off hot pavements. As well as burning your dog's paws, heat rising off concrete and asphalt can overheat smaller breeds.
  • Limit the walks. Too much physical exertion in hot weather can cause heatstroke.
  • Make sure your dog has plenty of drinking water to stop them becoming dehydrated and ensure they are drinking it.
  • Gently hose or sponge them down with cool water to lower their body temperature.
  • Consider using a rectal thermometer to take your dog's temperature

What do if they have heatstroke

  • The RSPCA say for the best chance of survival, dogs suffering from heatstroke urgently need to have their body temperature lowered gradually.
  • Move him/her to a shaded/cool area.
  • Immediately douse the dog with cool (not cold) water, to avoid shock. If possible, you can also use wet towels or place him/her in the breeze of a fan.
  • Allow the dog to drink small amounts of cool water.
  • Continue to douse the dog with cool water until his/her breathing starts to settle but never so much that he/she begins to shiver.
  • Once the dog is cool, take him/her to the nearest vet as a matter of urgency.