Following Storm Corrie, much of the country is expected to be hit with freezing temperatures and snow. 

But the big question is whether Londoners will need to get their snow boots and sleighs out ready for the snowy weather. 

In recent weeks the area has been met with sunshine but low single figures resulting in a very cold start to the day and icy windows. 

But in terms of snow, Mett Office predictions show that there is little chance of snow coming to the capital for the start of February. 

Tottenham Independent: See if it will snow London. (Canva)See if it will snow London. (Canva)

Instead, you may need to keep your raincoats near as you can expect some rain and dark clouds to cover the area. 

But don't worry as there will be some sunshine to follow and slightly warmer temperates with some reaching 12 degrees. 

There will also be some wind with gusts reaching 34mph midday on Sunday when rain is also expected. 

The best weather of the week will be on Saturday, with a low chance of rain, sunshine, and temperatures reaching 9 degrees.