A GOOD deeds day set up by the Jewish community which gets ordinary people helping out their neighbours with selfless acts is coming to Muswell Hill.

Derived from the Hebrew word 'Mitzvah', which means a good deed, is a one-day charitable initiative which takes place nationwide on November 21.

The aim of the day is to get communities giving their time and not just their money to spread a little joy.

Rabbi David Mason, on the Muswell Hill Synagogue, is coordinating a number of projects in his community including an inter-faith tea party where guests will gift wrap presents for children in care.

Hornsey and Wood Green MP, Lynne Featherstone, has also been drafted in to lend a helping hand.

She said: "Mitzvah Day is a very special event not only in the Jewish Calendar but also throughout Haringey.

"I was thrilled by the success of the event last year and am delighted to be supporting this worthwhile initiative again. It’s great to see people of all backgrounds getting together with a generosity of spirit to give back to their local community."

Other Mitzvah Day activities include children, aged 12 and over, clearing brambles and removing tree saplings to help breathe new life into Lover's Walk, in Coldfall Woods.

A stall will also be set up oustide Sainsbury's in Muswell Hill where volunteers will urge shoppers to donate food for a collection that goes to the homeless, the elderly and single parents who would appreciate the little extra.

Rabbi Mason said: "It is easy to sometimes go about our every day life and not think of others less fortunate than ourselves. Yet it’s not difficult to do something little that means so much to someone else. That’s what a Mitzvah is all about — doing something for others that really does make a difference."