Get ready as Pancake Day is creeping up and you'll need to get all the ingredients before they sell out. 

Also known as Shrove Tuesday the date of the day changes every year but normally lands in February.

Pancake Day always falls 47 days before Easter in April and is considered the final day of indulgence before the 40 days of Lent.

Brits usually have thin pancakes as opposed to their friend across the pound that chose a thicker and fluffier pancake.

Tottenham Independent: When is Pancake Day? (Canva)When is Pancake Day? (Canva)

When is Pancake Day?

This year Pancake Day falls on March 1 making it later than normal and in time for the start of spring. 

Usually, Shrove Tuesday will be in mid-February but as Easter day is not until April 17 pancake day is also later. 

If you're curious about the word shrove it actually derives from the Anglo-Saxon language and means a person has confessed their sins.