A VIOLENT hate campaign against parking attendants has forced Haringey Councilto take legal action following 17 attacks in the last three months.

Haringey's attendants have been threatened with knives, racially abused, physically attacked with some trouble-makers even attempting to run the wardens over.

And over the weekend, abusive motorists hurled a brick through the window of the car the attendants were sitting in. Councillor Brian Haley, cabinet member for environment and conservation, said: "Nobody likes to get a parking ticket but the way to avoid that is to park legally.

"If anyone disputes their ticket the appeals process is well documented on the ticket. We cannot have innocent staff attacked in this manner. We will protect our staff and will prosecute anyone who assaults them as they go about their lawful business. Clearly, this is not acceptable."

On August 10, Adrian Kurti, received a 12-month community order and ordered to pay £200 compensation to the officer he seriously assaulted with a barrage of kicks.

He appeared at Highgate Magistrates Court in Bishops Road.